Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 9, 2017 1:00 AM

Recently, a number of “local Sandpoint” forums have popped up on the internet. One in particular, had a rant about the Sandpoint Indivisible Group. I am not affiliated with this group; however, I am aware of their purpose. The information presented about this group on this particular forum was completely inaccurate and biased. While attempting to engage and clarify the erroneous information, I was bullied not only by the administrator but other members because they didn’t agree with my opinion.

I’d like to remind everyone browsing these groups to be extremely skeptical about what is being presented. People say things that are not based in fact, but might just be their opinion, or they “think” they know the facts. much of the information on these sites is “yellow journalism.”

Any “Joe” can start and be the administrator of these forums. That doesn’t mean these people have any qualifications, credibility or education whatsoever to monitor and administer these groups. I believe the administrators of these groups have a responsibility to ensure the information is factual, and if not, correct it. I also question if a number of the posters are actually “locals.”

As they say, “buyer beware.” Just because someone posts something on the internet doesn’t make it true. Be skeptical, research the facts, and be your own best judge of information.

If you want to educate yourself and get the facts about the Sandpoint Indivisible group go to:

