Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 18, 2017 1:00 AM

Does not everyone think the new street system is great?

It is so nice to live in the modern times and not the throwback era of zaniness that the one-way streets provoked. I have not talked to a single person who is not glad for the changes that have provided for more ease of traffic flow. I am proud to see the town move forward with progress and insight.

The only problem of which I have encountered comes from the long-term drivers of the area who oppose any type of change, and refuse steadfastly to alter their arcane views as pertains to driving: not using their turn signals in a proper manner (as in never), entering traffic from a side street but not increasing their speed to the traffic flow level, not parking in the allotted space provided by the lane markers but occupying more than the space allows, etc.

I know that the naysayers will bellow about how we have been using one-way streets for decades so why change, but we rode horses for centuries but that did not last either. In any city or town in America, the driver is responsible for adhering to the posted signs and signal lights, which are always subject to change, so I say that the driver should obey the laws and drive safely and politely. Finally, I do believe that clearer heads decided that the city needed to improve its downtown area and the streets were long overdue as a needed change. No Kool-Aid drinkers here, as that is a kid drink. Adults do the driving and planning.

