Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 18, 2017 1:00 AM

Dear Body Politic,

Following up on my previous SCOTUS letter to the editor, now wasn’t that something really great about the recent SCOTUS ruling in President Donald J. Trump’s favor in lifting much of the travel ban injunction? Nine to zero, I believe it was. Can’t wait for total victory in the fall rehearing.

Justice Kennedy and Justice Ginsburg will likely be retiring before Trump’s two-term presidency ends (and probably one other). President Trump is going to reshape the SCOTUS into a solid, endearing ultraconservative court. At future conservative gatherings I attend I shall propose a toast to President Trump’s reshaping the SCOTUS along ultraconservative lines.

Just a matter of time until Roe vs. Wade is reversed, abortion (a.k.a. “infanticide”) is reclassified as first-degree murder for the woman and whoever performs the diabolical procedure, and second-degree murder for whoever aids and abets. I should think that life imprisonment with no possibility of parole is an appropriate penalty upon conviction for first-degree baby-killing, and 20 years for aiding and abetting with no parole for second-dgree baby-killing. Conservatives will be elated to see the demise of Roe vs. Wade for sure.

Reshaping the SCOTUS will be prominent in President Donald J. Trump’s legacy, along with making America great again. Why even Mr. Burnett and Mr. Wynhausen will have to concede that President Donald J. Trump is going to reshape the SCOTUS.

Tally-ho as they say in the United Kingdom.


Spirit Lake