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| July 27, 2017 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

July 27, 1967 — WELCOME TO SCOUTS

For the first time in the 60 years of Scouting, the World Jamboree is staged in the United States. And, our own north Idaho Farragut State Park was selected over numerous sites in the U.S.A.

Over 15,000 Boy Scouts – from nearly 100 free-world nations will be the guests of north Idaho! Thousands more are expected to visit the Jamboree, see the beauty of this country and feel the warmth of a cordial western welcome.

We are delighted to join everyone in Sandpoint in extending a sincere and cordial welcome to the Boy Scouts of the World Jamboree.




Sandpoint Lions are looking forward to a record turnout for their annual beach barbecue Sunday. The full day of activity begins at 10 a.m. with a demonstration of radio-controlled boats and airplanes. A horseshoe pitching contest is scheduled for the forenoon.

The buffet line will form at 1 p.m. and serving will continue all afternoon. Lion Stewart Tollbom, who is responsible for this part of the event, says there will be plenty of food for everyone.

Activities, including boat races and a slalom ski competition, will continue through the afternoon and early evening. At 9 p.m. there will be a teen-age dance on the tennis court. A local band, “Rebel Spirits,” will provide the music.

100 Years Ago

Northern Idaho News

July 27, 1917 — I.W.W. HALL CLOSED

A first step to check activities of the I.W.W. in the area occurred last week when Gov. Alexander visited I.W.W. headquarters and informed members they were in violation of an Idaho law dealing with “criminal syndicalism and sabotage.”

Saturday the sheriff, county attorney, deputy sheriff and chief of police visited the hall. County Attorney McCall told them they were maintaining an organization directly adverse to state regulations, and would have to close. That evening members voted to remain open, pending action by county officers.

When Sheriff Remer again called upon them yesterday and ordered them closed, the I.W.W. members held a meeting in the hall and voted to close under protest. Ex-Secretary Hardy was named to go to Spokane to investigate the legal possibilities of re-opening the hall here.



Frank Carpenter, mail carrier on rural route No. 1, is having a fine little bunch of thrills handed out to him daily owing to the fact that timber fires occasionally break out along his route and melt the postage stamps off much of the mail.

East of Matchwood, he drove his team through a number of small fires, one of such blistering heat that he singed the hair on one of his horses while going through the blaze at a run.

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