Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| June 1, 2017 1:00 AM

I would like to address the issue of assimilation here in North Idaho.

The problem I am referring to are the liberals who are moving here in record numbers, primarily from California . They are not trying to assimilate to our state’s rich, conservative history or even to the center.They are trying to recreate the undesirable liberal environment they just moved from.

We moved here 15 years ago from Alaska to live and raise our family because of the state’s conservative political views. I believe there should be a moratorium on people moving here from California. I propose they should be required to have passport or a work visa. There should also be a two-year waiting period, followed with extreme vetting. Then we (the state) should set a limit on how many should be allowed entry and. I believe that two per year would be all we need. I’m just saying.

