Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| June 6, 2017 1:00 AM

The Paris climate agreement was a diplomatic coup that brought all but two of the world’s countries together under the leadership of the United States.

Our current president has been clear the he wants to undo everything his predecessor accomplished in spite of the fact that his job approval rating in barely 40 percent and Obama’s current standing gives him about 60 percent approval. On top of that more than 70 percent of Americans support the agreement.

Thursday, Trump announced the inevitable in a speech full of misinformation. We now join Nicaragua and Syria as the only countries in the world not part of the agreement. What kind of world leadership is that? Where is the United States of 1917, 1941, 1962 and 1989?

Trump clearly has no concern about the opinion of the majority of Americans or the world. He has an agenda that is designed to help him and his friends to the detriment of the rest of us. The sooner the investigations into his activities can be completed the faster he can be removed from office.

Hopefully, President Pence will believe that the will of the people means something.

