Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| June 13, 2017 1:00 AM

Over two weeks ago those Rhodes scholars from the Bonner County Road & Bridge decided to dig up the roadway on either side of the Fry Creek Bridge, about as long as three football fields, and fill in their diggings with dirt and rocks, then spray the roadway with water from large water trucks making mud. Almost every day this spraying water on the dirt making a muddy mess continues.

They put up a sign showing 25 mph speed limit and motorcycles be aware of loose rocks but some of these Neanderthals who drive on this road can’t read and go speeding down the road throwing dirt, rocks and mud all over their rigs and anyone else coming the other way or following behind them. I guess they want their rigs to look like a real Northern Eyedeeho vehicle, which goes hand and hand with their intelligent way of driving.

Someone needs to tell Bonner County Road & Bridge that you cannot fill potholes with water. It does not work!

