Saturday, June 01, 2024

Dispute ends in arrests

News editor | June 15, 2017 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Felony charges were filed against a Kootenai couple after a domestic dispute.

Celina Ululani Larson was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, while Daniel Lincoln Larson was charged with six counts of unlawfully possessing firearms, in addition to a misdemeanor domestic battery charge, court records show.

Bonner County sheriff’s deputies were summoned to the couple’s Jeffrey Drive home in response to a report of domestic violence. Daniel Larson, 44, said his wife came at him with a large knife and attempted to stab him with it, but missed. Larson told investigators he pushed the woman down to the ground to break off the alleged attack, a probable cause affidavit said.

Celina Larson, 40, told deputies that Daniel Larson grabbed her arm and shook it in order to aggravate her inflammatory disorder and cause pain, the affidavit said. She did not deny brandishing the knife, although she said Daniel Larson disarmed her and punched her in the upper chest.

A firearm was found in plain sight in the home, prompting deputies to discover that Daniel Larson was barred from possessing weapons due to a 1994 aggravated assault conviction in Bonner County, court records indicate.

A search warrant was obtained and led the collection of six firearms — 30-06 and .234-caliber rifles, a 12-gauge shotgun, and .22- and .357-caliber pistols, according to court documents.

Celina Larson made an initial court appearance in Bonner County Magistrate Court on Wednesday. Judge Tera Harden released her on her own recognizance after appointing a public defender to represent her, court documents say.

Daniel Larson was ordered held in lieu of $15,000 and a public defender was appointed to represent him.

Harden also entered orders barring both defendants from contacting each other while the case is pending.

Keith Kinnaird can be reached by email at and follow him on Twitter @KeithDailyBee.