Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| June 29, 2017 1:00 AM

We applaud the Lions Club for upholding the principles and values of Independence Day. As sponsors of the parade, they have the right to decide what parade applicants represent the true meaning of the holiday — celebrating America’s independence and freedoms, thanks to our Founding Fathers. It is a day to honor America’s heritage.

Sandpoint Indivisible’s arguments are unfounded. First, the Republican and Democratic parties have been in existence since the 1790s and are a part of America’s history. With both parties represented in the parade, there is no favoritism. Second, Sandpoint Indivisible’s purpose is to “resist the Trump agenda” (their words). There is nothing American about that; it is contrary to the values of most North Idahoans, and it certainly is not a celebration of our country’s freedom. Third, they removed their public Facebook page in fear that their children could be targeted. Hellooooo! Today, the anti-Trump movement is violently attacking conservatives and Christians; the conservatives are not attacking the Indivisibles.

We believe the Obama administration did incredible damage to our country; however, we still celebrated America’s independence for what it is and never once thought to pollute our heritage with a political platform.

We appeal to our fellow North Idahoans, who value America’s heritage and principles, to stand up and make your voice heard, and we applaud those who do. Our newspaper is overrun with “loud-spoken” progressives.

