Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| May 4, 2017 1:00 AM

I am a sixth-grade teacher who has taught in the Lake Pend Oreille School District for 23 years. I do not claim to know a lot about our school board or its members as I tend to hold a low profile when it comes to matters of policy and bureaucracy.

I pretty much just work in the trenches with the kids, but, I do know one man seeking a chair on the board representing Zone 2 that I wholeheartedly endorse. His name is Gary Suppiger. Gary has volunteered for the last twelve years, two mornings a week before school, to teach math to fourth- to sixth-grade students. He stresses that his classes are open to any student who wants to do math. It is not an elitist club, not just for eggheads and “smart kids,” but to all levels of learners. He then takes them to a math competition and celebrates their accomplishments. He has done this without pay, without accolades, for years even though his own three children have long since left elementary school. When I asked him once why he continues to do this he said simply, “I just want the kids in this school district to get better at math.”

I have had the privilege of having two of his three children in my classroom and I can tell you they both were a joy and it was evident that education was a highly valued family commonality. I believe Gary’s motive for running for the School Board is completely altruistic and he will serve in the best interest of every student in this district. Gary Suppiger cares about our kids.

