Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| May 5, 2017 1:00 AM

Les Lawrence, a voice of Christian Zionists, will be speaking at River of Life Fellowship and the Cocolalla Cowboy Church this weekend. Lawrence will share expert insight into the modern restoration of Israel and its existential threat from radical Islam.

He is speaking at River of Life on Friday, May 5, and Saturday, May 6, at 7 p.m. He will speak at the Cocolalla Cowboy Church on Sunday, May 7, at 10 a.m.

Lawrence has a master’s degree in theology and is a noted author. Lawrence and his wife Doreen’s love for Israel began with their wedding date — June 11, 1967 — and which was the first day of Jerusalem’s freedom at the end of the Six Day War. He has made a number of trips to Israel, briefly living there in the mid-1990s. This June, they will be spending 17 days in Jerusalem in celebration of theirs and the sixth-day 50th anniversary of the war. Much time will be spent prayer-walking the city and touching base with other Christian ministries.

The Lawrences reside in Wake Forest, N.C., where Les Lawrence leads Issachar Forum: A Prophetic Think Tank, weekly. Les writes a blog at Elisha Vision, posts a YouTube video each Sunday night, and has authored several books.

The services will be live-streamed at