Saturday, June 01, 2024

Book signing set

| May 10, 2017 1:00 AM

Lost Horse Press is pleased to present “Pie & Whiskey & Mothers”, a reading, pie eating, whiskey drinking and book signing featuring writers Kate Lebo and Sam Ligon.

Come at 1 p.m. Saturday to the Sandpoint Library’s Rude Girls Room for a rip-roaring literary reading, with samplings of pie and whiskey for all. We’ll also have books for sale and a book signing by Kate Lebo and Sam Ligon.

The event is free and all are invited.

Samuel Ligon is the author of four books of fiction, Safe in Heaven Dead, Drift and Swerve, Among the Dead and Dreaming, and Wonderland (Lost Horse Press, 2106). His stories have appeared in New England Review, Prairie Schooner, The Quarterly and many other places. His essays appear regularly in The Inlander. Ligon is the editor of Willow Springs, and Artistic Director of the Port Townsend Writers’ Conference. He teaches at Eastern Washington University.

Kate Lebo is the author of Pie School and A Commonplace Book of Pie. Her writing has appeared in Best American Essays, Best New Poets, New England Review, Gettysburg Review, and Gastronomica, among other places. She writes about food for the Spokesman-Review. In fall 2017, Sasquatch Books will release Pie & Whiskey: Writers Under the Influence of Butter and Booze, an anthology co-edited with Sam Ligon and based on their Pie & Whiskey reading series. Also in fall 2017, Dancing Girl Press will release From a Tree, her chapbook of erasures from Wikipedia entries for fruits, vegetables, and herbs. She lives in Spokane, Washington.

For additional information, please contact LOST HORSE PRESS at 208.255.4410 or