Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| May 12, 2017 1:00 AM

It’s been a busy time at First Lutheran Church in Sandpoint.

Recently, First Lutheran joined Lutherans across the U.S. and sent boxes of colorful handmade quilts to help warm people across the world living in poverty and needing love and support. Among the places that received this service of love are Angola, Burkina Faso, Jordan, Ghana, Haiti, India, Lebanon, Mali, Tanzania, Ukraine, Thailand and Yemen.

In addition to the quilt program, Lutheran World Relief also solicits/sends small church assembled kits called School Kits, Personal Care Kits and Baby Care Kits. By joining forces with other Lutheran churches in the US, 674,057 people from 19 countries received quilts and kits in 2015. The motto: “God’s heart, our hands.”

The congregation also is preparing to celebrate the season of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. On June 4, First Lutheran will have one service — at 9 a.m. — followed by food and fellowship at 10:15 a.m. with a potluck brunch. Following, the congregation and the community are invited to “Discover our Gifts from the Spirit” at 11 a.m. and address the following questions:

- What is Pentecost?

- Who is the Holy Spirit?

- Where do you sense the Holy Spirit’s Presence?

- Fruits of the Spirit?

- Gifts of the Spirit?

- Community and Reconciliation?

If you feel the Spirit moving in your heart to find answers to these questions, you are welcome to join the congregation.

Among the ongoing events at the church is the “Adult Faith Conversations” program, held at 9:05 a.m. in the library at First Lutheran. The focus currently is on what is meant when it is said in the Apostle’s Creed, “I believe in the Holy Spirit …”.

For more information about what’s going on at the church, go online to