Saturday, June 01, 2024

Students raise funds with fire prevention

by Mary Malone Staff Writer
| May 14, 2017 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — "Chainsaws hummed, burn piles glowed, and combustible trees and brush were put to rest."

This is the scene described by local landowner Diana Dawson after Lake Pend Oreille High School students spent the day last Sunday on her land for their senior fundraiser.

The theme was fire prevention and forest sustainability as, for the second year in a row, the students helped Dawson with a section of her 35 acres in the Bottle Bay area. The group spent the day cutting and burning material that could be hazardous in dry weather, and had a good time doing it, and who doesn't love a good bonfire? Dawson said.

"That's a huge incentive any time there is fire," said Randy Wilhelm, art and professional-technical education teacher and senior advisor.

About 25 students, family, friends, teachers and other adult volunteers dragged themselves out of bed early Sunday morning, to earn $1,000 for the school. Wilhelm said the students had to be at the school by 8 a.m. They celebrated afterward with a barbecue.

Wilhelm, along with senior advisor and science teacher Brenda Woodward, took their Sunday to sponsor the students and help out. Sandy Lange, English paraprofessional and librarian, also pitched in, as did school volunteers Leata Judd and her son Jerry. Even LPOHS principal Geoff Penrose made time to add some logs to the burn pile and congratulate the students, Dawson said.

Next year, Woodward is adding a forestry class to the curriculum. Students will learn about trees, their health, forest sustainability and fire prevention. This fundraiser gives students an opportunity to apply classroom teaching in the field, Dawson said.

"This is a winning opportunity for all concerned,” Dawson said. "The students earn money for their school, while having a fun learning experience about the woods and fire prevention."

Wilhelm said it is also a great opportunity for the students to create some camaraderie.

Dawson hopes the experience will inspire some of the students will pursue careers in forestry, fire prevention and firefighting.

Wilhelm said the senior class is going to Wallace at the end of the month to go ziplining and tour one of the Silver Valley mines, so the funds raised will assist with the trip.

Dawson has been doing different projects with Wilhelm, as well as some of the other teachers and students at LPOHS, for about 25 years.

"She is a huge outspoken supporter of the school within the community," Wilhelm said.

Dawson said she enjoys working with the students because all the kids she has met in the last 25 years are "really committed."

"You know that they want to get an education," she said. "Some of them have situations that aren't the best, and in spite of that, they get to school. And it seems to me as if the teachers and the students have a really strong bond."

She said it is "phenomenal" what teachers like Wilhelm and Woodward are willing to give up and do for the kids — like fundraising on a Sunday morning. 

Mary Malone can be reached by email at and follow her on Twitter @MaryDailyBee.