Saturday, June 01, 2024

Don't fall into the trap of procrastinating

| May 17, 2017 1:00 AM

I find myself contemplating this week’s article content just hours before my article is due.

The typical procrastination of putting something off until the absolute deadline often works for some and not for others.

Some people are not the least bit frazzled by a looming deadline, while others fret and stew requiring hours and days for preparation.

Those that know me well, know that I always have plenty to say and can type out an article as quickly as I can spit out a piece of chewing gum.

While it may be perfectly OK to put a few things off until the last minute, your own health should not be one of them. Your health should be the highest priority in your life. The nutrition you put in your body should be the highest quality and your exercise habits should consist of more than simply pulling the lever up on your reclining chair.

We are already five months in to the new year. Did you resolve to improve the quality of your health this year? Was this going to be the year that you reached your health and wellness goals? Are you “doing it” or have you neglected to take action? The average weight loss for my clients is 15-20 pounds a month.

You can reach your goals, all you need to do is decide and take that first step. I would encourage you to not procrastinate when it comes to your health.

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness professional and can be reached at