Saturday, June 01, 2024

Course gives young adults chance to explore Buddhism

| May 19, 2017 1:00 AM

Sravasti Abbey, a Buddhist monastery, offers its annual Young Adults Explore Buddhism course July 10-17 for open-minded young people, aged 18 to 29.

The residential program explores contemporary concerns within values of simplicity, non-harmfulness, and compassion. Daily activities include meditation instruction and practice, teachings from the Buddhist tradition, discussions, and outdoor work on the Abbey’s 300 acres of forest, gardens, and meadows near Newport, Wash. Venerable Thubten Chodron, a student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and founder of Sravasti Abbey, teaches the “Exploring Buddhism” course. Well-known for her practical and humorous explanations of how to apply Buddhist teachings in daily life, Venerable Chodron has been a nun since 1977 and has published numerous popular books including “Buddhism for Beginners”. She teaches around the world.

Founded in 2003, Sravasti Abbey is the first American training community for Western nuns and monks in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Exploring Buddhism participants will spend a week living a monastic lifestyle alongside the Abbey’s 16 full-time residents.

“The Young Adults Explore Buddhism course came at a pivotal moment,” a past participant from Spokane, Wash., Beth Anderson, wrote. “I now feel like I have a path and a purpose for my life.”

All programs at Sravasti Abbey are offered by donation. The monastery requests an initial donation to reserve a place in the course, and an application is required. Find additional information at or call Sravasti Abbey, 509-447-5549

Detailed guidelines for visiting the Abbey can be found under the “Visiting” section of