Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| May 23, 2017 1:00 AM

Donald Trump is not a conscious person and does not see himself. So sad.

Most of us think we are conscious; however there are degrees of consciousness, with absolute consciousness being very rare.

Since science cannot define consciousness, one has to look elsewhere for a sense of what it is. The problem: to understand consciousness, one must be highly conscious. Do not mistake intelligence for consciousness; they are not the same thing.

My limited understanding of consciousness comes from G.I. Gurdjieff via “In Search of the Miraculous” by P.D. Ouspensky. This would be a good place to start for an understanding of it.

Our “Draft Dodger in Chief” has said he has not changed since he was 8 yrs old. Much to the embarrassment of America, this he demonstrates daily. Only one with low consciousness and who has never exercised introspection would believe that about himself. So sad.

I feel sorry for Trump, for he cannot see himself, has never exercised introspection and has a very low level of consciousness. This is basically the human condition and appears to be especially so for those who voted for him. So sad.

Where ignorance is bliss (Trumpland), ‘tis folly to be wise.

