Saturday, June 01, 2024

God calls on us to expand our worlds

by Bruce Macek
| May 26, 2017 1:00 AM

Not that long ago our family found ourselves living in a mobile home in a park in Oregon.

I’ve learned never say, “I will never live in a trailer house again.” It was quite a large mobile home park and I’ve been told these are not to be confused with trailer parks. There was close to a hundred homes there but ours in space 17 was the only one that really mattered to me.

Over the course of time I’d gotten to know Jerry, the manager, pretty well. He had quite a responsibility running the place what with the pool to maintain, collecting the rent and trying to curb the desire of all of us that wanted to leave our rigs in various states of repair in places they weren’t supposed to be.

To help him out, Jerry had Glenn. One day, Jerry let me know that he was going to be gone for a few days. That meant Glenn would be holding down the fort. It was then he asked me that if Glenn needed a hand would he be able to call on me to help out. Now hold on, I say to myself, this meant Jerry was asking me to be the assistant to the assistant manager of the Bluff Estates Mobile Home Park. It’s not often I get asked to be a part of something bigger than myself, bigger than my own world at space 17. So it was with some fear and trepidation about what the next few days would hold, I said yes.

So it is that when we come to faith in Christ it is God’s good plan for us that we not remain in our own world there at space 17.

It is His desire we move out in faith to give away his good news and to be a part of the whole park. We all have some degree of fear and trepidation in the unknown whether it’s people or places but that’s exactly why our Father calls us there because that is where we are most reliant on Him.

After all this is a life of faith.

Not much happened while on duty there at the park those few days Jerry was gone,no major catastrophes and we did not make the Mobile Home Park Review but the friendship we had got even better.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on our own understanding. In all our ways acknowledge Him and He will make our paths straight.

Bruce Macek is pastor of Newman Community Bible Church (Wildwood Church), 9230 Sagle Road.