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| November 3, 2017 1:00 AM

Ven. Thubten Chodron, Abbess and founder of Sravasti Abbey, the Buddhist monastery near Newport, teaches on her book, co-written with His Holiness the Dalai Lama - “Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions”. This residential program runs from Nov. 6-16 and is excellent for beginners and long-term practitioners. Daily activities include two teaching sessions, group discussions, and study time. See for information and registration or phone 509-447-5549 or

The book and the course offer a rare opportunity to delve into Buddhism by studying the commonalities and differences in the various Buddhist traditions. This is the third installment of the teaching, picking up at Chapter 11, “The Four Immeasurables,” which leads into the section on Bodhicitta, the altruistic intention to become a fully awakened Buddha in order to liberate all sentient beings from suffering.

The retreat begins Monday, Nov. 6 at 3 p.m. and ends after lunch on Thursday, Nov. 16 . Meals are all vegetarian, and accommodations are in shared rooms. All programs at Sravasti Abbey are offered on a donation basis, and a $100 offering is requested to reserve a place. Pre-registration is required. Information is in the Event Schedule section of

Sravasti Abbey is a Buddhist monastery in the Tibetan tradition. Ordained nuns and monks as well as lay people live there, devoting their lives to studying and practicing Buddhist teachings and sharing them with others. People of all faiths and backgrounds are welcomed. Friendly curiosity and openness to learn are the only pre-requisites.

Detailed guidelines for visiting Sravasti Abbey can be found under the Visiting section of