Saturday, June 01, 2024

Idaho's high school seniors making their college plans

| November 7, 2017 12:00 AM

Eighty high schools throughout the state of Idaho are dedicating time next week to help their seniors complete college admission applications as part of College Application Week, Nov. 6-10. At each participating high school, staff and volunteers are helping students research higher education options and complete the necessary forms to begin the admission process.

“Helping our students go on to college really is a group effort between the high schools, families and our public colleges and universities,” said Dr. Linda Clark, president of the Idaho State Board of Education. “Each year, we have helped more and more students, and I anticipate that again this year, we will help thousands of Idaho students take that next step to pursue a higher education degree or certificate.”

This is the fifth year the Idaho State Board of Education has sponsored College Application Week. Site coordinators at each of the participating high schools assist seniors with completing at least one college application to any public or private higher education institution. Last year during College Application Week, 8,716 seniors submitted 13,397 applications.

Earlier this school year, more than 20,000 public high school seniors across Idaho received letters notifying them of automatic admission to the state’s public colleges and universities. Known as direct admissions, seniors can bring their letter to College Application Week to assist with completing college applications. To make the process even easier, the state board launched Apply Idaho, an online application created to allow Idaho students to apply to one or more of Idaho’s public colleges and universities in four simple steps and it is free, meaning students do not incur application fees. Seniors will also be able to complete an application for the Idaho Opportunity Scholarship, which provides up to $3,500 for tuition and fees at Idaho colleges and universities.

The state board has established the website,, to be the premier resource for Idaho students, families and educators to find detailed information about going-on from high school to postsecondary education.
