Saturday, June 01, 2024

Life Care Center works to honor community's vets

by Elissabeth DeFREITAS Contributing Writer
| November 11, 2017 12:00 AM

Marchelle Fritz, marketing director of Life Care Center of Sandpoint, described with heart-filled exuberance, the launching of a new project in their facility to honor our cherished veterans. As she artfully portrayed this vision, it captured my heart with deepened celebration. “Our administrator, Rick Myers loves veterans,” she shared. According to Marchelle, Rick approached her with a call to “find a way to honor our veterans; both who live and work here at Life Care.”

The seed of vision grew from regular and ongoing ceremonies that honor the veterans among them, to dedicating and transforming the sub-acute day room to host a memorial room and veteran’s corner. Imagine: display cases and cabinets to display service awards, photo’s, service memorabilia, love letters, medals of honor and uniforms of veterans who have served in every branch of service to the United States.

“This is a way that we can say, thank you to those that serve,” Marchelle added. She reflected upon the ceremonies that Life Care Center of Sandpoint has offered in the past to honor the veterans that make their home with them; as well, their long-term partnership with the Marine Corps League’s Blanket Program. For Marchelle, it is a moving and emotional experience that truly lends itself to few words.

The movement to build this vision is strong, according to Marchelle and the committee of veterans, staff and residents that are ushering it forth. They expressed their hope for community partnership and support to bring it to reality. They have a fundraising campaign in motion at this time to generate funds toward several standing display cases; additionally, hold a dream for a community organization to assist in donating building materials. The ultimate gift, according to Marchelle, would be the connection with a carpenter who might assist with designing and bringing the display cases to fruition.

Life Care of Sandpoint recently celebrated its 20th year of making their home in Sandpoint. What Marchelle notices about this unique environment, is the nurturing presence and sense of family and community among the staff. “We are just like family here,” she said. Among their family at Life Care Center are 19 veterans who make this their home and seven veterans on the staff team.

This sense of community spirit is evident in the active partnerships that Life Care Center participates, through their ongoing involvement with the annual Alzheimer’s Walk, annual support to Bonner General Health Community Hospice education, regular support to Sandpoint Senior Center and benefits and care to our community members in need.

In honor of our cherished veterans here in Sandpoint, may I share the depth of appreciation to you, for your gift of service. May I additionally share my heart-felt appreciation to the Life Care Center for the modelling of loving presence, the dedication of acknowledging and honoring veterans in our community; and for recognizing the healing power of companioning with others in your nurturing care.

For additional information as to how to support the Veteran Project at Life Care Center of Sandpoint, please contact: Marchelle Fritz, Admissions and Marketing Director, 208-265-9299 or