Saturday, June 01, 2024

Outside 7B hosting winter fun

| November 30, 2017 12:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Outside 7B will offer two winter programs for community youth this winter, a three-day Mini-Camp with outdoor educator Dave Kretzschmar; and a six-week Introduction to Snow Sports program. During the mini-camp participants will spend afternoons learning about the fun of being outside during the winter. This program will take place January 3-5, which includes an evening of family tubing at Schweitzer on January 5. The mini-camp is open to children ages 12-14 and costs $10 per participant. The six-week Introduction to Snow Sports program includes snowshoeing, outdoor winter preparedness, and three weeks of ski or snowboard lessons at Schweitzer Mountain Resort. This program will take place on Saturdays beginning Jan. 6, and runs through Feb. 10. The Intro to Snow Sports program is open to children ages 8-12, who have no prior experience skiing or snowboarding. The cost of the program is $20. To sign up, or for more information, contact Cami at Kaniksu Land Trust, or 208-263-9471.

Outside 7B is more than a program– it’s a movement designed to connect people to nature. This program exists to help our community find ways to experience the benefits of nature. It is important to recognize that in our current culture, and also with our local weather, it can often be difficult to spend time outside, and that conditions can sometimes make it difficult or even frightening to go outdoors. This program’s goal is to make getting outside as painless as possible, and to help all individuals find the peace and joy that come from engaging with the natural world.

Outside 7B offers numerous options to enjoy our rich local greenspaces, from gentle walks to family game days, snowshoe hikes to educational programs. Whether you’re just starting to consider outdoor activities, or you love the great outdoors, Outside 7B has options to help support your time in nature. Outside 7B is sponsored by Kaniksu Land Trust’s ParkRx Program, in which local health practitioners prescribe time spent outside as a way to increase all aspects of physical and mental health. For more information about these programs, or about ParkRx and Outside 7B, contact Cami at Kaniksu Land Trust by calling (208) 263-9471 or emailing