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Understanding Herxheimer response, die-off symptoms

| October 4, 2017 1:00 AM

Ever feel sicker when taking an antibiotic treatment or when on a detoxification protocol? This could be due to a reaction in the body called Jarich-Herxheimer.

Also referred to as die-off symptoms, this reaction could occur when high numbers of bacteria, viruses, and candida are being killed off in the body. These can release a lot of toxins.

Jarish-Herxheimer Reaction was the name given to an array of symptoms observed by Adolf Jarish and Karl Herxheimer in their work with venereal diseases in the late 1800s. This term was initially used specifically as it related to antimicrobial treatment of syphilis.

Today though, the use of the idea of a die-off reaction or healing crisis has become more widespread. It is no longer limited to describing a reaction to an endotoxin-like product that is released when harmful microorganisms are dying in our body.

An antibiotic or antifungal could initiate this kind of response. But this also could be linked to something else, like a change in diet or an increase in our detoxification processes that causes the cells to release toxins into circulation.

This could happen is a situation where your drastically reduce the amount of sugar or flour you’ve been eating and the yeast and bacteria balance in your gut starts to change. It could also happen when loosing weight and the toxins once stored in the fat cells are mobilized back into the blood stream.

But this response could also the result of over stimulating an overactive immune system. This could lead to one immune cell becoming dominant over others, and our bodies’ defenses end up attacking us. You could also be exacerbating an underlying health issue that needs to be addressed.

There is an inflammatory response in the body as it responds to an increase in toxins or poisons. The body begins to work hard at trying to reduce the damage being done. Inflammation, and a heightened immune response, are a normal ways our body will protect itself.

During this time you might feel muscle pain, cold and flu-like symptoms, fever, chills, mucus, and an increase in skin rashes. And you could also have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and loss of appetite.

The similarity between symptoms related to poisoning and reactions to a die-off can be very similar. That is because the body will respond in the same way as it tries to heal itself.

Our body is excellent at healing. And inflammation is a good example of how effective our body can be at making things right. But before inflammation can arise, there must be some cause.

It is at these times that blood rushes to the area of irritation, delivering nutrients and other cells. This can lead to increased blood pressure, swelling, redness, and pain. All designed by our body as a means of getting rid of these toxic irritants.

We can support ourselves during this time by making sure we are hydrated, getting plenty of sleep, reducing stress, and maintaining optimal nutrition.

One way to manage the symptoms is to modulate the rate at which microbes are dying, or toxins being release. This could involve lowering that rate at which we are using antimicrobials or loosing weight.

Or we could increase the rate at which the body can handle the resulting toxins. Because the liver and kidneys take care of so much of this, it could be a good idea to support detoxification pathways and antioxidant levels. Much of this can be done with proper nutrition and supplementation.

Probiotics will support one of your elimination pathways, the gut. Maintaining regular and timely digestion is critical at these times. You need to have regular bowel movements and plenty of bulk to push things through.

You could add in activated charcoal along with pyrophyllite or bentonite clay. These will bind to some toxins and help pull them out of the digestive system. But they will also pull out beneficial minerals.

It’s important to sort through the different responses are body is producing. Some are temporary and the result of healing. Others may be signs that something else needs more attention. Come on down anytime and let’s chat.

Scott Porter, a functional medicine pharmacist, is the director of the Center for Functional Nutrition at Sandpoint Super Drug.