Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| October 29, 2017 1:00 AM

In response to Keith Nielson’s letter (Oct. 19, 2017, Daily Bee):

Impeachment doesn’t remove a president from office, it’s an accusation of formal charges (misdemeanors or felonies) voted on by the House. The office holder, who lost the House vote, is then tried by the Senate for either acquittal or removal from office.

Speaking out on the act of disrespecting the anthem or the flag falls under the First Amendment. To be against a president’s right to speak out on issues like this, which incidentally has wide support, is unconstitutional.

Mr. Nielson was correct that President Trump criticized certain Puerto Rican leaders, but forgot to mention that he praised others, and got praise in return.

Mr. Nielson also failed to mention that President Trump also called the KKK and Neo-Nazis repugnant. Which they certainly are.

Finally if there is a war with North Korea, it’ll be Kim Jong-Un who starts it, not the USA. A nuclear war in any case, would decimate South Korea which is an important ally, and the American military can handle Jong-Un without its use and without much effort.


Clark Fork