Saturday, June 01, 2024

Jesus' labor of love a gift for all

by Pastor Jason Gold
| September 1, 2017 1:00 AM

To all the American working force, “Happy Labor Day!” What an honor and privilege it is to work in the best country in the world.

When thinking upon all the men and women that work so hard to provide for their families, I can’t help but to think upon the labor of the cross. The blood, the sweat, the tears and the agony that the Savior of the World would labor for you and I, so we might have eternal life through Christ Jesus. His labor of love, His labor of sacrifice, His labor of selflessness, His labor of carrying His own cross that He would give up His own life for all mankind.

Jesus instructed His followers, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24-26 NLT). Jesus also said in John 10:9-11 that His purpose is to bring life. In fact, He said the abundant life.

We often confuse abundance with money rather than contentment and peace. Jesus labored on the cross so that we could have the abundant life through Him in the midst of trial, pain and sorrow. Because of the labor of the cross, we can experience the forgiveness of all wrong doing.

Regardless of how bad we think we have messed up, Jesus offers complete forgiveness for all our short comings. So when you go to work and find yourself exhausted and worn down, think upon the labor of the cross.

Think upon the significance of that labor and what taking on the judgement of all mankind really means. Likewise, lets labor in love and compassion for all mankind. Jesus did. So let’s give mankind Jesus.

Pastor Jason Gold can be reached at Regeneration Calvary Chapel.