Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| September 8, 2017 1:00 AM

On a smokey wind swept Memorial Day in Sagle, a lone figure stands at rigid attention, holding a Vietnam battle flag in his left hand and a firm salute with his right hand as the convoy that contains the “ Healing Wall “traverses Sagle’s portion of Highway 95.

As he watches the lead vehicles stream by, his hands begin to tremble and tears start to flow. The Veteran manages to hold his salute thru the tears until the last out rider passes his post, he then collapses to the ground groaning but still holding on to the battle flag he help defend so long ago. The images of fallen combat soldiers, the families and friends suffering loss over whelm him.

With tears afresh streaming down his ruddy checks, he turns and makes his way to his home.

God bless those who are still at it, defending freedom, liberating the oppressed and protecting democracy.

