Saturday, June 01, 2024

If not now, when; if not me, then who?

| September 28, 2017 1:00 AM

As i am running toward one of the little lakes behind my house I am filled with joy and gratitude for the deep blue sky and relatively clean air. My lungs are still aching as my breathing deepens on the way up the hill — the finer smoke particles are still lingering in the deeper recesses of my lungs.

While some may recognize that the increase in frequency and intensity of fires here in the Northwest as well as the storms and flooding in the South and Southeast are connected to a changing climate, many here still doubt the connection to human cause.

I don’t know about you, but for me there were strong feelings of claustrophobia and despondency at the thought of not being able to escape the huge enveloping cloud of smoke that was, and still is elsewhere, penetrating everything. In fact I have addressed worsening respiratory diseases and heat related issues in the healthy as well as the sick and elderly in my practice. But more importantly it is the doom of the prospect of possibly having whole summers filled with smoke that struck me the last few weeks — in myself and others.

If there is even the slightest chance that we can take action to stall this process or even reverse it now is the time to do so. Images of people being pulled out of submerged cars, having our children stuck inside to protect their delicate lungs, having our firefighters exposed to danger, watching so many people lose all their belongings — not to speak of lives, makes me ask this question: if in 10 or 20 years we know for certain that this changing climate is accelerated by our use of fossil fuels, how can we possibly justify to our kids and grandkids that we did nothing?

I personally cannot live with that thought. There is an insurance policy we can take out that will not only move us towards a cleaner and sustainable environment and energy sources, but will also increase our economy without increasing our government. A Carbon Fee and Divided is a win win solution that will benefit everyone. The problem we have is that our representative Raul Labrador seems to not be concerned about climate impacts. He needs to hear from us, and particular local community and business leaders, to join the bipartisan House Climate Solutions Caucus, which just this week grew to 56 members. Not surprisingly, representatives from the Gulf states represent the bulk of the members. Their constituents feel the impact of our changing climate quite dramatically and are willing to take responsibility now. Will we before it is too late?

If not me then who?

if not now when?

If not here where?

If you are interested in exploring impacts of and solutions to our changing climate, please do put Friday November 17th 5.30pm into your calendar for a public bipartisan presentation/panel discussion.

