Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| January 30, 2018 12:00 AM

Thank you for your Jan. 19 story on the Natural Resource Plan. While sharing the basic outline of this “plan,” one thing the story failed to capture was the shameful nature of the “hearing” itself. Commissioners Dan McDonald and Glen Bailey seemed less interested in hearing their constituents than challenging those who opposed the Natural Resource Plan.

The public was given two minutes each to deliver their comments on this long, complex and highly controversial document (which essentially asserts, among other problematic statements, that the sheriff is above the law). Yet several times these two commissioners would interrupt, turning the scant opportunity to deliver an opinion or fact into a cross-examination.

One can only conclude that these elected officials are not interested in public input, unless it is praise. In the 30 years that I’ve been attending public hearings, this one stands out as a spectacle of blatant disrespect for public involvement.

