Saturday, June 01, 2024

Won't you take part in CPR program?

| June 5, 2018 1:00 AM

As the medical director of Bonner County EMS, a local cardiologist, and a member of the Bonner County Coalition for Health, I want to share a plan to increase our county’s ability to better manage sudden cardiac arrest. While we have excellent fire and EMS agencies available throughout our county, victims of cardiac arrest require attention within a precious few minutes for a reasonable chance of survival.

Knowledge of CPR by more citizens, and increased availability of an automated external defibrillator increases the chance your loved one might survive such an event. We will be exploring purchase of the application PulsePoint, currently successfully used in multiple cites around the country including Spokane. In the case of cardiac arrest, your county 911 agency will not only dispatch an appropriate fire and EMS response, but would also notify all certified responders within a 1/4 mile, locating both the patient and the nearest AED by GPS. A CPR-trained responder can make all the difference.

We are requesting business owners to let us know if they are interested in having their employees trained in basic CPR. We are initiating a free “train the trainer” program to train individuals to, in turn, train their fellow employees. This program is supported by a grant through Panhandle Health. Additionally, we are requesting anyone to tell us about any existing AEDs in businesses throughout Bonner County. Please respond by email to

