Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| June 8, 2018 1:00 AM

Gerri Harvill and Stan Norman are at it again! This team of retired Methodist pastors has sponsored and hosted Sandpoint Lifetree Café for five years, partnered with Gonzaga University to bring Taize-style worship to Sandpoint, and co-sponsored a highly controversial public forum on refugees with the Bonner County Human Rights Task Force. Now they have written a book that challenges the Christian church to return to its roots as a movement of Jesus-followers.

Calling on their experience as pastors and using the twelve steps of addiction recovery as their guide, Stan and Gerri invite you to join them as they leave behind lifetimes of accumulated rules and rituals and find daily joy in actually following Jesus instead of just worshipping him.

Even if you are not a “churchaholic,” even if you are “spiritual, but not religious,” Gerri and Stan believe this book offers a proven path to spiritual formation and growth. Packed with powerful personal anecdotes and candid observations, this book will leave you laughing or crying or both.

The book: “Recovering from Church and Discovering Jesus; A Twelve Step Program” is currently available in paperback through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The book’s publishers, Christian Faith Publishing, have posted a YouTube video about the book. Just search YouTube for the name of the book. It is being converted to digital format and will also become available on iTunes at that time. In addition, there are a few signed copies available at Vanderfords.