Saturday, June 01, 2024

LPOHS celebrates commencement

News editor | June 9, 2018 1:00 AM


(Photo by KEITH KINNAIRD) Math parapro Ed Welch honors Drake Haskins during Lake Pend Oreille High School’s graduation ceremony on Thursday.


(Photo by KEITH KINNAIRD) Graduate Jessica Inman addresses her fellow Lake Pend Oreille High School classmates.

SANDPOINT — Lake Pend Oreille High School Principal Geoff Penrose didn’t have to look far Thursday for theme music for the class of 2018.

Penrose said “Congratulations” by American rap artist Post Malone.

“It gave me pause and I really listened to it. It is entirely appropriate for this night, for this school and for these kids,” Penrose said to the 15 graduates who gathered on the ballroom stage at the Sandpoint Business & Events Center.

The song’s lyrics talk of dreams and people who are underestimated, in addition to staying on paths that their peers my question or criticize.

“Dreams are realized by setting priorities, dedicating yourself to success and brushing off the haters,” said Penrose.

Graduates Jessica Inman and Joel Mitchell addressed their fellow classmates.

Inman said LPOHS had an influence on her at a foundational level and inspired her to go on to college in order to earn a degree so she can teach elementary school.

“This school has had such a huge impact on me all around — on who I want to be and who I am today,” she said.

Mitchell, meanwhile, found a safe harbor at LPOHS even when the walls around him seemed to be crumbling elsewhere in his life.

“It has been the only place in my life that I can always count on to have a smile when I walk through the door — everyone from staff to students,” he said.

Lake Pend Oreille High School has a well-earned reputation of building two-way bridges between students and staff. Staff are able get through to students, while students manage to get through to their teachers.

That aspect of the LPOHS experience was demonstrated in the tributes teachers give to students, a hallmark of the school’s commencement proceedings.

Teacher Stacee Sawyer recognized Inman and Laura Abromeit.

“Both of you have experienced what it feels like to achieve your goal and that experience is what gives us the motivation in life to continue reaching for the good things that we want for ourselves,” Sawyer said. “They really represent the type of student that make working at LPO the best job in the world.”

English teacher Bret Johnson saluted Alex Merideth and Vanessa Spade, while counselor Sara Gosling gave a tribute to Michael Johnson, whom she praised for his determination, reliability and loyalty.

“That’s the kind of heart you have and that is absolutely amazing,” said Gosling.

English teacher Jeff Keenan praised Tyler Hall for his dedication and hard work and Math Parapro Ed Welch said Keaton Berg pushed through his utter distaste of mathematics to earn a spot on the stage. Sarah Wood of the school’s student support room paid tribute to Colby Wilson, and Career-Technical Education teacher Rand Rosecrans honored Samantha Bobby and Teagan Dieter.

“You are a person with amazing empathy and kindness. That is your super power,” he said of Wilson.

Art career-tech instructor Randy Wilhelm highlighted the easygoing nature of Jimmy Little and Keagan Beard. Welch took the dais a second time to praise Drake Haskins, whose favorite activities include hunting, fishing and trapping. Welch noted that he had already blown through his best fishing stories in about three months, while Haskins continued to unspool his own for the past two years. But Welch’s favorite stories usually had a common element.

“Many, if not most of them, involve fly fishing with this young man standing next to me,” Welch said.

Keith Kinnaird can be reached by email at and follow him on Twitter @KeithDailyBee.