Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| June 14, 2018 1:00 AM

To paraphrase Donald Trump and his minions, “there is a special place in hell” for an American president who places the interests of Russia and other hostile countries first, idolizes tyrants the world over, and vilifies our historical and loyal allies. I always believed that the “Manchurian Candidate” movie was fascinating fiction, but to my utter disbelief, it seems to have become reality. It is appalling to watch an American president swoon when dictators make eyes at him, and then act in the most insulting and boorish manner with the democracies who are our real friends in the world.

To our Canadian friends and neighbors who recently were slimed by Donald Trump, I offer my apologies and my sincere hope that this disgusting episode will be only a bad memory in several years.

To our American friends who have supported this venomous charlatan named Trump, I ask you to revisit the democratic ideals this great Country was build upon, and to reacquaint yourselves with the principles of honesty, civility, decency and respect for law that are foundational for the survival of our democracy.

To all Americans, I would suggest that the upcoming mid-term elections may be the most critical of our lifetimes. If you are not registered to vote, then do so. When you vote, support candidates of any party who pledge to oppose and end the insanity and corruption of this administration.

