Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| April 2, 2019 1:00 AM

Reference the measles outbreak in Washington state.

I have heard nothing about quarantining the people that are coming down with this disease. I am sure they must be under some sort of quarantine.

I do believe that the spread of the measles, and any other diseases that are similarly spread, can be more easily controlled if quarantines are extended to not only those who have contacted the disease in question, but also to all people that have refused to be vaccinated.

Now I am hearing of “chickenpox parties.” For crying out loud, we now have parents purposely exposing their children to the possibility of suffering the onslaught of shingles later in life.

For the most part the unvaccinated people are the people that are spreading the disease. They should be quarantined for their own protection. It would certainly slow the speed of the spread of the disease.

