Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| April 21, 2019 1:00 AM

The Mueller-Democrat-GOP circus, a two-year fiasco costing taxpayers millions, accomplished what? We already knew the Russians controlled Mueller. We knew Adam Schiff was a Kremlin asset. And we knew, for a fact, that President Trump follows Putin’s orders. And does anyone doubt Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Barr, Pelosi, and McConnell are Kremlin apparatchiks?

Ah yes, the Russians. They’re everywhere. You surely understand the Kremlin is behind the push for a second BNSF bridge, don’t you? And who’s behind the current measles outbreak? The Russians, of course! The Boeing 787 mess? Russian sabotage. No other explanation.

But really folks, not to worry. Why? Because AOC, a gifted prodigy with staggering intellectual horse power, declares we’ll be extinct by 2031… from Communist orchestrated climate change. Yup, the Russians again.

God bless America for 12 more years, and God bless our military.


