Saturday, June 01, 2024

Who is really the racist?

| August 4, 2019 1:00 AM

Recently, President Donald Trump has been falsely accused of being a racist after making comments about certain members of Congress. His comments, while somewhat crude, were certainly not racist. What is racist, however, is the Democratic Party’s insistence on classifying people by their skin color or ethnicity. This is the very essence of racism. Skin color and ethnicity should be irrelevant, but to Democrats it is essential to furthering their agenda.

In past decades, the Democratic Party has transformed into a breeding ground of racism, bigotry, prejudice, hatred, anti-Semitism, and religious intolerance. They dream of abolishing the Constitution and the rule of law, and creating a totalitarian government that dictates every aspect of our lives right down to the kind of health insurance we are allowed to purchase and the restroom we are allowed to use.

It is no wonder that many consider the Democratic Party our nation’s greatest threat.

