Saturday, June 01, 2024

Assault weapons don't belong in the hands of civilians

| August 11, 2019 1:00 AM

Before leaving for El Paso and Dayton, Donald Trump expressed support for requiring background checks on gun transfers but said there is “no political appetite” for banning assault weapons or high-capacity magazines.

I would ask, “Is he mad?” but the answer to that appears more clear every day.

I’ve called the offices of Sen. Jim Risch, Sen. Mike Crapo and Congressman Russ Fulcher to let them know that this registered Republican says the president is wrong — so wrong — and I hope they will find the intestinal fortitude to stand up and do what should have been done years ago.

Assault weapons or high-capacity magazines do not belong in the hands of civilians. It doesn’t take an AK-47 to bring down your elk or deer but it sure comes in handy when someone wants to mow down innocent civilians.

