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Injured bicyclist grateful for aid

News editor | August 15, 2019 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — A Sandpoint woman who was struck by a motorist earlier this month said she is grateful for the assistance from people at the scene from strangers who quickly came to her aid.

Erin VanGundy had clocked out of work and was headed on home on Aug. 7. She was pedaling south down Boyer Avenue and approaching the busy Baldy Mountain Road intersection when the collision occurred.

“There was a truck in the left-hand turn lane (on Baldy) but he was stopped. So I just proceeded and then all of a sudden when I’m in the middle of the intersection he just guns it and smacked right into me. Obviously, he didn’t see me,” said VanGundy.

VanGundy wound up in the northbound lane of travel and her bike wound up beneath the truck.

“I just laid there, all these cars stopped and a bunch of people ran over to make sure I was OK,” VanGundy.

VanGundy recalled four or five woman went from bystanders to caregivers. One, a retired nurse, helped immobilize her head and neck until emergency medical technicians arrived. Others placed clothing beneath her to keep the pavement from scalding exposed areas of skin.

“It was 95 that day,” said VanGundy.

VanGundy only caught one woman’s name — Misty.

“I was just overwhelmed and these complete strangers immediately responded. It just really meant a lot to me,” she said.

VanGundy relocated to Sandpoint from Seattle in December and was moved by the strangers’ actions.

“The community here is really special. It just really touched me,” VanGundy said.

VanGundy came away with minor injuries, which included a broken rib and other cracked ribs, a mid concussion and numerous scrapes and bruises.

“I’m doing really well, considering,” she said.

VanGundy also wants to personally thank the Samaritans who came to her aid.

“It was just really cool. I wanted to give kudos, a shout-out, to these people. There are really great people out there,” VanGundy said.

Those who came to VanGundy’s aid are welcome to contact her via this email address:

Keith Kinnaird can be reached by email at and follow him on Twitter @KeithDailyBee.