Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| August 18, 2019 1:00 AM

As a longtime resident inhabiting our slice of the world I propose another solution to the Canada goose problem affecting City Beach: turf it. One third of the park is already covered with asphalt, which is clearly of no appeal to the geese. By replacing all the grass with sport turf, their food source will be eliminated and the problem will work itself out naturally.

Modern turf is non-abrasive and from a distance has the visual aesthetics of natural grass. I use it in my own landscaping for general décor and a putt-putt course and can attest to its softness and durability. It repels wildlife like nothing else and will rid the beach of the troublesome rascals in no time at all. The city will save thousands on mowing and maintenance costs and eliminate futile efforts like decoy coyotes, many of which have now been decorated with mohawks and cropped tails. Used sport turf can be bought in bundles for pennies on the dollar at auction and will pay for itself in no time. If the city can afford designer trash cans, it can afford turf.

These bag-n-tag ‘em goose “relocation” rampages fostered by the city are all too reminiscent of the Jewish extermination sweeps in World War II Europe. Do we learn nothing from history, human or otherwise? The geese have come back more hostile than ever, now sporting leg bands. What’s next, tagging them with yellow stars for easier “relocation” of the flock? We’re smarter than that and Sandpoint is poised to break the mold.

