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Fair dedicates building to former manager

| August 18, 2019 1:00 AM


(Courtesy photo) The Bonner County Fair Board has renamed the Main Exhibit Building at the Fairgrounds, " The Rhonda Livingstone Memorial Building," after the former fair manager who passed away earlier this year. On Aug. 10, Livingstone's family held a ribbon cutting ceremony with her closest family and friends.

SANDPOINT — With the Bonner County Fair approaching, the fair board and staff, along with family and friends of Rhonda Livingstone honored her memory by dedicating the main exhibit building to the former fair manager.

Livingstone passed away earlier this year, and now her memory will live on through “The Rhonda Livingstone Memorial Building.”

“Rhonda gave so much of her time and dedication to the Fairgrounds, over the 16-plus years that she worked here,” said current fair manager Darcey Smith. “Many, many people were touched by her loving personality and her contagious smile. Each and every time I walk by that sign I will be reminded of our chats about wildflowers in California.”

Smith said there is a “beautiful” memorial stone in the fair’s memorial garden for Livingstone as well, and the main exhibit building has a red sign on the front and rear entrance of the building.

A dedication to Livingstone can also be found in the first pages of the Bonner County Fair book this year, detailing her 16-year career as fair manager. During that time, according to the dedication, Livingston transformed the small, rural fair into an internationally recognized success through awards amongst some of the largest fairs in the country.

Livingstone was recognized by the International Association of Fairs and the Rocky Mountain Association of Fairs for her involvement in a number of different committees dedicated to agricultural education and educational fundraising. She made sure Bonner County was represented in contests, but also served as a judge for other divisions of the IAFE’s Agriculture and Competitive events, according to the fair book dedication.

In 2017, the RMAF recognized Livingstone as Fair Manager of the year.

“Rhonda fought to keep the tradition and roots of the fair, seeking to preserve the heritage that founded this part of North Idaho,” the dedication states. “Her vision, ideas and hard work leave a legacy to be benefited from and enjoyed for decades to come.”

Livingstone and her family moved to Sandpoint in 1992, where she spent her time raising her kids and tending to their newly logged land. When her daughters got more and more involved in 4-H and equine activities, her talent for management and event planning led her to becoming the fair manager in 2002, where she worked until 2018.