Saturday, June 01, 2024

Democrats uphold the spirit of the U.S. Constitution

| August 27, 2019 1:00 AM

I find it necessary as a lifelong Democrat to speak out about the misinformed claims made by Thomas Nelson (Daily Bee, Aug. 4).

Mr. Nelson appears to be ignorant about the definition of a Democrat that reads as follows: “An advocate or supporter of democracy.” Liberal: Open to new behavior or opinions, concerned mainly with broadening a person’s general knowledge and experience, broad minded, humanistic.”

I have witnessed the Democratic Party striving to achieve equal rights for all by upholding the spirit of the Constitution: “All men are created equal.” Although we know that the original intent was all landed white men are created equal. Democrats continue to work diligently toward the day when all people are treated equally.

We believe our government is charged with protecting its citizens from all enemies, foreign and domestic. When a right is denied to any, it is denied to all.

In my lifetime I have witnessed the embrace of Social Security, Medicare, Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, gay rights, and the attempt at universal healthcare through the ACA. These are all things that benefitted the average citizen. In every case, we heard the same lament “it’s socialism.” “It will destroy this country.” Well guess what? Try to take those rights away now.

I invite Mr. Nelson to get a copy of the Bonner County Democrats’ guiding principles so he will be more informed in the future.

A proud Democrat!



Bonner County Democrat Central Committee
