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Man accused of burglarizing judge's home

News editor | December 13, 2019 12:00 AM

SANDPOINT — A Coeur d’Alene man is facing a suite of felony charges for allegedly breaking into a senior 1st District Court judge’s home in Sagle and stealing guns and other property.

Shawn Thomas Montee Jr. is charged with one count of burglary and seven counts of grand theft. It’s unclear in court records if Montee will be issued a summons to appear in court or if he is the subject of an arrest warrant.

No hearings in the case are set, court records show.

The burglary occurred sometime between April 8 and May 13, when Senior 1st District Judge James Michaud and his wife were away, according to court documents. Suspicions of a break-in were aroused when the judge found a box of .22-caliber ammunition at the foot of basement stairs. The judge discovered that several rifles, a shotgun and a replica flintlock pistol were missing from the home. A vacuum cleaner, power tools, a snowblower and a diamond pendant were also taken, a probable cause affidavit alleges.

The heist turned out to be something of an inside job, according to court documents,

The Michaud’s grandson was given permission to stay at the home while the couple was away and suspicion fell on Montee, who was a guest of the grandson. Montee saw where the home’s key was hidden and a review of pawn shop records indicated Montee had sold items taken in the burglary, the affidavit said. All of the property was recovered, save for two rifles which were sold to unwitting buyers at a Dalton Gardens pawn shop.

Montee, 24, could not be located during the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office investigation, court records indicate.

Burglary is punishable by up 10 years in prison, while grand theft is punishable by up to 14 years, according to Idaho Code.

Keith Kinnaird can be reached by email at and follow him on Twitter @KeithDailyBee.