Saturday, June 01, 2024

One-sided impeachment a national disgrace

| December 15, 2019 12:00 AM

The Democrats’ one-sided impeachment investigation is a disgrace and an embarrassment to our country. It’s reminiscent of the Spanish inquisition. Most of the “witnesses” testimony was based on hearsay, innuendo, and personal opinion. The testimony of the “expert witnesses” was personal opinion based on the biased testimony of previous witnesses.

The Democrats are holding public hearings so the can continue using their propaganda machine AKA news media and the media’s negative press releases against President Trump.

The Democrats’ “kangaroo court” conducted by Mr. Mueller, after two years found nothing against President Trump except a possible obstruction of justice charge.

Now the Democrats are investigating a Ukrainian phone call. It’s interest that they’re focusing on the request to investigate the Bidens’ activities in Ukraine. One thing this investigation has shown is the Democrats’ total disregard for national security.

The impeachment investigation is politically motivated and is part of the Democrats’ campaign to elect Joe Biden next fall. This investigation started with Mr. Mueller’s kangaroo court over two years ago.

With this current “inquiry” it appears the Democrats are grasping at straws.

