Saturday, June 01, 2024

Local authors invited to join new Christian writers group

| December 18, 2019 12:00 AM

North Idaho Christian Writers, a new group is being formed to encourage and help Christian authors and writers improve their skills and achieve their goals, local Christian author Robin Ulbredtch said in a press release.

Meetings will start up on Jan. 11, 2020 in a meeting room at East Bonner County Library, 1407 Cedar St. in Sandpoint. Ulbredtch will leading the meetings. Regular meetings will be held on the second and fourth Saturday of each month from 1-3 p.m. at the library. Any person interested in attending and improving their writing is invited to come, Ulbredtch said.

The meetings are free. For more information email Ulbredtch at or call 208-217-5919.

The first monthly meeting will be a group business meeting with introductions, news of writing contests and events, mini presentations on Christian writing, group collaboration on the types of writing and the business of North Idaho Christian Writers. Christian writers will be encouraged to write for God’s glory and use their writing skills for His kingdom.

The second monthly meeting is a planned workshop with teaching and tips on how to improve your writing. Each person is encouraged to bring a project to work on during the meeting. Ulbredtch will be on hand to answer questions. As the group grows, small critique groups will be formed according to the type of writing. The critique groups will meet to read their short pieces of writing and help one another improve their skills.

For more information about Ulbredtch, go online to and .