Saturday, June 01, 2024

PL library trustees face ouster

by Keith Erickson For Daily Bee
| December 24, 2019 12:00 AM

Four trustees serving the Priest Lake Library District face a recall election on March 10 amid allegations they illegally fired library director Beverly Richmond.

A civil lawsuit seeking damages in excess of $10,000 has also been filed against each of the trustees.

Former Priest Lake Library District board member Rosemary Yocum, who spearheaded the recall, alleges the board members violated Idaho law when they fired Richmond last Sept. 10 without cause.

Following Richmond’s termination, Yocum said community members attended board meetings seeking an explanation but were not allowed to speak.

“They have totally shut us out,” Yocum said Monday.

Richmond, who earned $47,840 a year as library director, was not given any reason for her termination, a clear violation of state law, Yocum said, because the director was not an “at will” employee.

“They didn’t go through property procedure—that’s what got people’s dander up in the community because nobody saw it coming,” she said.

Citing pending litigation, board member Debbie Sudnikovich declined comment.

“I think it’s a real unfair thing that’s happening and real unfortunate,” she said.

The other trustees listed on the recall are Laurel Smith, Nancy Bushman and Lori McReynolds.

Among other violations, Yocum alleges the board has breached open meeting and executive session statutes through improper noticing.

The lawsuit against the trustees states in her nine years as library director, Richmond worked effectively under three boards and saw an annual budget increase from $85,000 to $250,000 through passage of a levy drafted and filed by the director.

It further states the number of books in the library increased by 30% from 10,000 volumes to 14,000 volumes under Richmond’s leadership.

Bonner County elections supervisor Charlie Wurm confirmed on Monday that recall advocates have met the requirements to hold the election.

Wurm said his office usually sees about one recall attempt per year.

“But they usually don’t meet the requirements,” he said. “The last successful recall was four years ago in the Laclede Water District when they recalled the director.

Because the recall will fall on the same day as the presidential primary election, Wurm said costs of the recall will be minimized. Printing the ballots will cost county taxpayers about $10,000.

Wurm said there are 639 registered voters within the Priest Lake Library District who can cast ballots in the recall election.