Saturday, June 01, 2024

Manipulating the facts and recent news

| December 26, 2019 12:00 AM

Earlier this week, I visited the Bonner Mall Cinema to see if they would be showing the movie

“Richard Jewell”. A woman at the ticket counter said “no” as there was some controversy about it.

Yesterday, I took my money to Coeur d’Alene and saw it for myself. I recommend seeing it – and

maybe convincing our cinema to show it.

Last night, the Spokane affiliate of NBC, the parent company of MSNBC, had a story blasting

Washington’s Matt Shea for his involvement with a citizen’s protest in Utah, and included our

Heather Scott in its’ coverage. Today’s Daily Bee had a front page article about that same subject.

Certainly, the movie would be considered controversial by those wanting to cover-up the

possibility that generally well-meaning people who have power could manipulate circumstantial

evidence to create a case against anybody they choose. We’ve been witnessing that with Adam,

Nancy and Chuck. Never mind due process, innocence until proven guilty and concrete evidence.

If a person in authority has a grudge, wants to make up for a mistake or merely does not like

someone’s politics, sometimes they corrupt the power they have.

That may be the problem with the Washington commission which attacked Matt and Heather.

With elections coming up, a faceless commission enables its’ members to hide behind the curtain

of government and attempt to interfere. When a complicit media covers only one side of the story,

all of us are in danger. Seek more facts.

