Saturday, June 01, 2024

'I don't wanna be eighty-five …'

by Pastor Jerry Favor
| December 27, 2019 12:00 AM

Recently one of my sons sent me a song that made my day called “85”. Its a song sung by a secular artist that teaches a clear scriptural truth. That our pursuit shouldn’t be focused on money but on relationships as well as living a life of kindness towards others. To have your kid grow up and appreciate a song that teaches such a profound truth is a such a huge blessing. The Chorus of the song “85” goes as follows…”

I don’t wanna be eighty-five, singing

“Oh, no, I think I missed it, I was chasing money”

I don’t wanna be eighty-five, singing

“Oh, no, I got a big house, but my heart is ugly”

You can’t take it with ya, and your whip ain’t gon’ miss ya

So wipe off that window, see the bigger picture now

I don’t wanna be eighty-five, singing

“Oh, no, I think I missed it, I was chasing money”

The Bible verse that comes to mind that truly takes it a step further for those who are followers of Christ is Matthew 6:33. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” True happiness and fulfillment does not come from money or fame but from living a life for others. The greatest pursuit is that of pursuing God, Seeking his kingdom. That glorious pursuit begins with a heart finding forgiveness from sin through faith and trust in Jesus Christ and continues with a heart desiring to live by the example of Christ as demonstrated in the Bible.

If there ever is a good new years resolution to make it is to stop chasing money and start chasing the kingdom of God and his righteousness. The clearest way to do so is to focus on the fruits of the spirit in Galatians 5. It involves loving God and others, to desire to grow in joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness as well as self-control. Pursuing the fruit of the spirit will change your life, bring joy to every endeavor, as well as bring lasting fulfillment in your family life and career.

The reality is that we all grow old and will one day look back and regret our self-centered pursuits. Whether you live to 55, 75, or 85 you don’t want to look back and suddenly be faced with the sad reality that your focus was on things that don’t last or have eternal value. Regardless of your current age you can start living for God and others now with a simple internal decision to stop chasing money and start chasing that which pleases God. Learn from this song and these verses, clean the window of your soul, see the bigger picture now, and live the year 2020 focused on that which brings true happiness and fulfillment.

Pastor Jerry Favor is pastor of Victory Church, 602 Gun Club Road in Sagle.