Saturday, June 01, 2024

Why so much ado about the climate's changes?

| December 31, 2019 12:00 AM

So, Bob Inglis, a former U.S. congressman — he lost to Trey Gowdy — favors another tax on U.S. citizens (the carbon tax). That attitude may be one reason why (In addition to his opposing his local tea party) he lost. He might have been called a RINO. He wants us to “stick to the facts.” It would be good to know just how much human activity affects the atmosphere.

On Nov. 8, 2019, CFACT published a study by Dr Jay Lehr, who is with the International

Climate Scientists’ Coalition, which explains that the human contribution of CO2 in our atmosphere equals .012% of all greenhouse gases and .0001% of the atmosphere. If the population of Bonner County is 50,000, that percentage would equal 5 people. Does .0001% of our county control all activity in our county? Does .0001% of the atmosphere control Earth’s thermostat?

Further, in July 2019, Natural News reported that “Human activity can account for no more than .01 degrees Celsius of the rise in global temperatures.”

Most people accept that the climate changes. Geologic history proves that it has changed from the very beginning and that there have been repeated periods of hotter weather than now, as well as colder periods than now. Science has recorded that the oceans have been rising since before the mid-1800s. Who are the five people controlling Bonner County activity?

Why would anyone want to slow our economy for such a small atmospheric impact?

