Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 7, 2019 12:00 AM

Some years ago I wrote an article here arguing that evidence indicated Neanderthal was not an evolutionary sub-human ancestor. They were in fact fully human. What has been learned since then only strengthens the case.

Recent DNA sequencing indicates that the Neandertal genome is incredibly similar to ours, and well within the range of diversity of modern man. In fact the evidence suggests “modern humans” and Neanderthals interbred.

Archaeological evidence, such as sophisticated spears and stone tools, the controlled use of fire, building huts from animal skins, making flutes out of bear femurs, and the ceremonial burial of their dead, strongly confirms that Neandertals possessed an intellectual and spiritual capacity like our own. A recent PloS paper referencing bone carving supports the growing speculation they had comparable cognition to modern Humans.

While evolutionists still want to believe Neanderthal is some primitive sub-human species in our “evolutionary past,” the evidence is telling us otherwise. The fossil evidence does not show the gradual evolution of humans from ape-like forerunners. Instead, modern humans appear abruptly in the fossil record and are highly distinct from previous ape-like forms, such as the Australopithecines. If Neanderthals lived with us today we’d be sharing the newspaper, and having coffee together. Neanderthal as an evolutionary link belongs on the scrap heap of evolutionary claims.


Clark Fork