Saturday, June 01, 2024

Cut top-heavy administration, expensive paychecks

| February 19, 2019 12:00 AM

As a former school district employee I can testify that the district is not above a certain amount of chicanery. Years ago, just before one of their endless levies, one of our elementary schools actually hid all of their computers when the district came by for a pre-levy inventory.

At one time, the individual school custodians were responsible for sanding and refinishing the gym floors. This practice was abandoned in favor of contracting with an outside vendor whose work was costly and substandard.

A district maintenance worker once showed me how paperwork and duplication of administrative services ended up costing taxpayers nearly $100 to replace a simple light switch, a function previously performed by school custodians.

So when your student son or daughter comes home with the usual sheet of propaganda whining about how football, track or volleyball will be cut unless the levy is passed, ask them how fast is the speed of light, or what are the three branches of government. Then ask them about climate change and see what question gets answered.

What needs to be cut is the top-heavy administration along with their outrageously expensive paychecks.

