Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 19, 2019 12:00 AM

Mr. Thornton,

Please help me understand how being against the school bond levy makes me a teacher hater, business hater, veteran hater, and public lands hater.

1. I happen to be a business owner in Clark Fork, which you left out of the list.

2. Myself, three of my four children and two of their spouses are all veterans or still serving

3. I fought long and hard to stop a wilderness locking up our public lands.

4. I don’t have any health care because I don’t qualify and can’t afford the $1,000 per month for family catastrophic coverage.

But I still fail to see what any of that has to do with my not being in favor of the upcoming levy. I feel a lot of caring parents are partly to blame for the condition of our little junior/senior high school. How many locals send their kids to Sandpoint? I often wonder what the population of the school and the educational opportunities we would have out here if all the kids who lived here went to school here. Do you not feel this, too, is part of our local problem? Let’s see how the history goes … LPOSD normally give us money now rants are too many kids, too few kids, and my favorite every time, we will be forced to shut down all the little schools if you don’t bow to our will. That one has been happening according to my husband, the mayor, since he was in school.

I’m honored that you feel as the mayor’s wife by having a sign in our yard that it will be the doom of this town and its businesses, which I am the owner of one, and that I must hate children. All our children and grandchildren have or are attending school here even with the district removing hot meals for our children several levies ago because of not enough money and have yet to feel our kids out here don’t deserve a hot meal like the rest of the district (which is my greatest complaint)..


Clark Fork